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Business Consulting
Offset vs Redraw: What’s The Difference
10 min | Nathan Watt
If you’ve got a home loan or even just looked into one, you’ll have heard these terms, and on the surface they seem to do the same thing. A place to deposit extra cash to reduce the interest you pay. So is it just semantics or are there differences you really should know. Well yes, yes there are.
Accounting & Tax
Tax Tips
15 min | Nathan Watt
Your here for the list, not an intro, so let's get straight into it - 10 tax tips you can use any time of the year;
Accounting & Tax
How To Know If A Business Name Is Taken
15 min | Nathan Watt
Naming your business can be tricky. It certainly consumes a lot of mental energy for some people when starting a business and many a consultant has made a fortune coming up with names and brands for businesses. Then even when you’ve got something you think is great, how are you to know if a business is taken?
Accounting & Tax
What Happens If You Take Cash Out Of A Company? Division7a
15 min | Nathan Watt
Got a company? I mean a real company, as in a Pty Ltd legal structure? Then this one is for you.