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Business Consulting
What Should A Small Business Board Of Advice Be Talking About?
15 min | Nathan Watt
Do you really think “big” companies come unprepared, with no agenda, just having a chat about whatever has been bothering the CEO this last month? I know they have more resources than you, but you don’t need to spend a lot of time or money to get this right. It’s just a bit of planning.
Accounting & Tax
5 Things Your Family Trust Needs To Do Before 30 June
5 min | Nathan Watt
Every year your accountant slips you a document says something about Bamford, and sends you an invoice. Ever wondered what that’s about? Well wonder no more.
Accounting & Tax
What Are Pay As You Go Instalments (PAYGI)?
15 min | Nathan Watt
You’ve just paid your tax bill and now you’ve got a letter from the tax office saying you need to pay more but now it’s quarterly?
Accounting & Tax
What Is A Family Trust And How Do They Work?
5 min | Nathan Watt
A family trust is an agreement where the trustee (either a person or company) holds assets for the benefit of others - like family members. There's lots of names thrown around; family trust, trust fund, discretionary trust and lots of confusion about how trusts work so if want to understand what they are, and how they work then you've come to the right place. Strap yourself in, and trust me....