get to know us
The Story of Watson & Watt

I grew up in a small business family with my parents and brother both having started their own businesses, and I saw first-hand how hard it was when they couldn’t make sense of the tax system or what their accountant was saying. I saw the pain and frustration when they couldn’t get the help they so desperately wanted to build a business that wasn’t 100% reliant on them working more.

But I didn't go straight into business.

I spent my early career as a pastry chef and got an insight into the world of hospitality. A world of hot, sweaty, loud, physically demanding manual labour, of high performing teams and working under constant pressure of producing at high quality whilst meeting strict deadlines. But I knew the path I was on was not going to provide the life I wanted. I distinctly remember the moment when I realised it wasn’t enough, that it was never going to be enough for the life I wanted. So I hung up my apron and moved back home (thanks Mum) to study accounting and banking finance at QUT.

I completed my qualifications to become a Chartered Accountant in 2009, and went on to complete my MBA from the University of Queensland in 2012. I’ve also qualified as a certified Xero Adviser, a Registered Tax Agent, have a Certificate of Public Practice and became a Mentor with the QLD Government’s Mentoring For Growth Program.

So after many years in the industry working for other accounting firms, and trying to tell them how to run things, my wife and I, with two kids aged 18 months and 1 month old, sold our house and started Watson & Watt without a single client.

Today, we help over 100 families to get on the front foot with the tax man, and build the business they always dreamed of.

So I walk in your shoes.

I know how hard business is.

Because I'm a business owner too.

We are for business owners.

The ones who want to improve, who had a dream and are out there trying to build it day after day.

Everywhere you look, hard working small businesses are failing.

Not because they’re not good at what they do, work hard, or treat their customers and staff right.

Because they haven’t been 
given the right advice
why choose us
We give solutions, not just information
Experts who know the ATO
We understand how to navigate tax successfully
No surprise fees
No surprise invoices, our fees are fixed and agreed in advance
We are your growth partner
Pragmatic advisors with a focus on your profit
Your safe set of hands
We give confidence that your tax lodgements are up to date and under control
get inspired
Tailored tips for your growth
Accounting & Tax
Personal Services Income: A Beginner’s Guide
5 min | Nathan Watt
Personal Services Income, or PSI, is given as a reward for an individual's personal efforts and skills. At least, that's how the Australian Tax Office sums it up. When it comes to your taxes, PSI is a common type of income for Sole Traders and individuals who earn money through an interposed entity (consultants and contractors) like a company or family trust.
Accounting & Tax
How To Know If A Business Name Is Taken
15 min | Nathan Watt
Naming your business can be tricky. It certainly consumes a lot of mental energy for some people when starting a business and many a consultant has made a fortune coming up with names and brands for businesses. Then even when you’ve got something you think is great, how are you to know if a business is taken?
Accounting & Tax
Director Identification Number | Coming Soon…Apparently
15 min | Nathan Watt
This may come as surprising to you. I know it is to me, but maybe that’s just my inner conspiracy theorist, that the Fed’s don’t have a good grasp of who the directors of companies in Australia are.
Accounting & Tax
More Stimulus For Some | JobMaker Hiring Credits
15 min | Nathan Watt
The JobMaker Hiring Credit scheme was passed into law in mid-November 2020 as part of the 2020-21 Federal Budget, and will operate until 6 October 2021.